Sunday, March 4, 2012

A guest judge for Minted's new art prints

Who likes Minted? Well you are going to like them even more when I tell you that they are set to start selling art pieces. In fact I was truly honored to participate as a guest judge for The First-Ever Minted Art Print Challenge. It was a tricky decision coming up with the winner of my favorite print but after going through hundreds of submissions I finally settled on the print. Want to see?

The print is called Wildflowers by Kelli Hall. Kelli is a designer from Atlanta and also has quite a few other designs that are pretty great. This is what I had to say about the print I chose over on Minted:

?In my mind Highway Wildflowers is a winner not only for the fact that it is an abstract but also for its beautiful colors,? says Christina. ?I feel that every home could benefit from an abstract piece like this one because it is fun, fresh, modern, chic and sophisticated. Also abstracts are not just for modern homes but in fact sometimes look the best when juxtaposed with traditional elements.?

A few more art pieces designed by Kelli.

Anyway, go here and sneak a peak of the first batch of art pieces that will be available through Minted at the end of March. There are lots of other great artists to pursue as well..I'm also a fan of Annie Clark's work.

On a side note that's not all the sidenote-ish because it has something to do with judging but.... I thought ya'all would be so interested in the fact that I lived out my life long dream of judging a pageant. I can't believe that I never shared that with you (actually I can).

My life is now complete...ha

Hip hip hooray for Goodwill pulling through on a vintage dress that I wore to the event and hip hip hooray for husband taking so many darn pictures:-) Note the orange judging pencil.

Stay tuned for some more design inspiration.



Cheryl Burke Sarah Michelle Naomi Watts Chelsea Handler

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